Consent- The Ins and Outs
Whether you’ve been in the scene for decades, or you’re brand new, it is vital to know about consent! We’ll go over what consent looks like in vanilla and BDSM spaces, why it matters, and how you can implement it in your daily lives!
Consent- The Basics
Class List
Gender and Sexuality
Gender? I Hardly Know Her!
Have you ever found yourself wondering about gender? Whether that be your relationship to gender, or why people are talking about it so much- this class is for you! We’ll go over the gender spectrum, how gender differs from sex, and how to be supportive of other folks in your life!
Demystifying Asexuality
What the heck even IS asexuality? Or aromanticism, for that matter? I’m glad you asked! We’ll go over the whole spectrum, its many shades of grey, and how it can exist in a kinky context!
Gender Affirmation Through Body Modification
There are many ways that folks transition- including socially and medically. But, me? I’m transitioning through body modification! I will share my experience with my gender, and how piercings, tattoos, and heavier mods have made me feel more at home in my body!
How to Talk to Trans People
With gender becoming more and more a part of the current daily landscape, have you ever wondered how to talk to trans people? How can you talk about pronouns? What are okay things to say, or okay questions to ask? I'm so glad you want to know! This class is for you!! We'll go over all of that, and more. (Note: my opinions, despite being a trans person, are not representative of the entire community.)
Fet-iquette 101
Ah, Fetlife. Whether you’re new to the site, or have been on it for many years, it’s a good idea to brush up on how the heck to use it. We’ll cover kinky internet safety, internet etiquette, how to navigate the site, and how to make it work best for you!!
Pet Play Primer
No matter what critter you play as, this class is for you! Ever been curious about pet play? This is also the class for you! We’ll cover what pet play is, what gear to get, safety, and fun activities for pets!
Sex Education
Safer Sex Smorgasbord
When it comes to safer sex practices, there’s a whole gaggle of ways to protect yourself and your partner(s)! We’ll go over various methods, their level of effectiveness, and how to use them. Who knows- you might find something new!
What, exactly, is consent? I’m so glad you asked! We’re going to cover what consent is, what it looks like, and how it applies to your everyday life!
Mental Health
You Are Not Lazy: Executive Dysfunction
It’s so easy to tell yourself that you’re lazy. Here’s the thing, though- you more than likely aren’t! Executive Dysfunction is comorbid with numerous mental health conditions, and is often mistaken for laziness. Come learn about how to function with executive dysfunction, ways to make your life easier, and self compassion!
Pet Space, Decompressing, and Quiet Healing
Let's face it- we live in a world where existing can be difficult, painful, and stressful. Being a human can, to say the least, be exhausting. But, what if, for a period of time, you inhabited a headspace that wasn't that of a human! What if, at least for a little while, your brain could take a vacation while you were in pet space. This class will look at pet headspace as a means of decompressing, stress management, and retraining our brains to be kinder to ourselves.
Endometrioisis in Kink and Radical Acceptance in Disability
The statistics say that 1/10 people with a uterus have endometriosis. Have you ever wondered what it is, or how it can impact someone’s life? I’ll be sharing my journey with this disease, doctors, society, and how it has changed my life as a service submissive. Who knows, you may learn something about yourself, as well!
Disability, Chronic Pain, and BDSM- A Discussion
Do you have a disability or chronic pain? This discussion is for you! Let’s share how this impacts our dynamic(s), how we interact with the community, and what we do to adapt! Accessibility matters!!