Nyx Lunaea (they/them) is a non-binary, asexual, queer, disabled human who has been in the BDSM lifestyle since 2009, and has been in their current dynamic since 2011. They are a top, an extrovert, a lover of pointy things, tattoo collector, painter, gardener, RPG fiend, and are a part-time dog. Nyx gives many a heck about inclusivity, accessibility, and making the world a better place! They are enthusiastic about teaching others about the importance of consent, LGBTQIA+ info, the BDSM lifestyle, mental health, disability, and safer sex practices. They became passionate about consent education, in 2013, after becoming a research assistant at the Trauma Research Institute at their university. When not teaching, they love spending time with their husband and dog, gardening, baking, befriending neighborhood cats, and playing video games. They firmly believe that it is important to always be learning, and always be growing!
They are thrilled to be presenting, and moderating, for Pragmatically Kinking, who gave them their start in consent and kink education! They are also honoured to have presented for THRIVE, IMsLBB 2022, Kink School, CON-solation, Boundless Events, Wicked Grounds, and Kink Between the Lines (as well as many other wonderful organizations and events)! For more information, check out the Classes page! For a more detailed teaching history, check out the Teaching History page!